Keeping your backers in the know is one of the best ways to boost your campaign's success. You'll build trust, grow your community, and in turn, increase the amount of funds you raise.
Once a customer backs your campaign, they look to your updates as a continuation of your campaign story. Backers are interested in seeing their real impact on your project. If your campaign is still in progress or you've entered InDemand, having updates can help bring in new customers who can see that you are active and responsive. Campaigners who provide regular updates tend to raise 286% more than those who update infrequently.
Tips for Creating a Good Update
Indiegogo requires all campaigners to post an update at least once a month. The more your backers hear from you about your project, the stronger your community will be. Here are a few things you can keep in mind to write the most effective updates.
- Make your updates substantive. Make them truthful and meaningful. You are still telling your story to your backers. It doesn't have to be long or elaborate. Just give your backers a real look into what's happening with your project.
- Be honest about delays and post them as soon as possible. If you experience delays in manufacturing or shipping, let your backers know as soon as possible. It can feel disappointing for both you and them, and you might have to answer some hard comments from them. But they will appreciate that you let them know right away.
- Respond to frequent customer questions. If you see lots of the same question about your product on your Comments tab or in direct messages, consider answering it in an update. Maybe your backers need you to clarify a feature of your product. Using images and videos to help answer these questions is very effective as well.
- Give updates on manufacturing or shipping. The information most of your backers will be looking for in your updates is about when their perks will ship. Regular manufacturing or shipping updates will go a long way in keeping them happy and patient.
- Keep your community engaged. Announce new features, perks or contests. You can also share news of any stretch goals you've reached, and/or personally thank your community for their support.
Here's a great example of a simple, substantive, meaningful update:
Finally, here are a couple of things not to do when posting updates.
- Don't make vague statements that could mislead your backers. If you know you won't be able to start shipping for a year, don't tell them you expect to get tracking information to them "soon."
- Don't use your update to promote other campaigns. Your backers are there to hear about your campaign.
- Don't post content unrelated to your campaign. You want to keep your backers engaged and excited about your project.
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