Indiegogo is unable to guarantee that projects will succeed or that perks will be delivered or deemed satisfactory.
By contributing to a campaign you are supporting an idea, project, or cause you care about and want to help make happen. Like anyone getting in on an early-stage project, you accept the risk that the project may experiences changes, delays, unforeseen challenges, and it's possible that a project you fund might not come to fruition. We leave it up to you to make your own judgment about a campaign’s merits before making a contribution.
However, if a project is unable to deliver the perks or promises made in the campaign, Indiegogo will look at how the campaigner communicates to determine whether the campaign owner is keeping their community updated about their progress- even if the project falls through.
While Indiegogo cannot compel a campaigner to act in a certain way, if a campaigner is uncommunicative or does not work with contributors, we may take steps to restrict the campaigner’s ability to use the platform in the future.
Indiegogo's Shipping Guarantee Program: The Exception To The Rule
If a campaign is part of Indiegogo's Shipping Guarantee Program, we ensure that your perk will be shipped by the promised date. If the campaign fails to ship your rewards on time, you are eligible for a full refund.