Perks are great ways to offer rewards, incentives, and thank-yous to your backers for supporting your project. They're also one of your best tools for engaging and attracting an audience. Let's get started with creating perks you can offer to your backers!
- How to Create Perks
- How To Edit Perks
- How to Hide Perks or Remove Perks from Public View
- How to Delete Perks
It's easy to get started adding perks to your campaign, just follow these simple steps:
- Log in to your Indiegogo account and click '[Your Name],' located above the search bar
- Select 'My Campaigns' from the drop-down menu
- Locate the campaign you'd like to edit and select 'Edit campaign' from the 'Actions' drop-down
- Once on the Campaign Editor, click the 'Perks' tab
- Click the 'Create New Perk' button
- Fill out all the required fields, and optional fields if you'd like
- For help on setting up shipping on your perks, see: Perks: How To Add Shipping Price and Countries
- For instructions on setting up perk item options, see: Perk Item Options: Let Your Backers Choose Sizes, Colors, or Other Options.
- Be sure to click 'Save Perk' when you are finished
Once you've created your perk, it will be visible on your campaign page, or draft campaign.
Perks can only be fully edited if they have not been claimed by a backer. Once claimed by a backer, you will only be able to edit the number available and the estimated delivery date on the perk. All other fields will lock for editing.
If your perk has not been claimed, you can follow these simple steps to edit the perk:
- Log in to your Indiegogo account and click '[Your Name],' located in the top, right corner
- Select 'My Campaigns' from the drop-down menu
- Locate the campaign you'd like to edit and select 'Edit campaign' from the 'Actions' drop-down
- Once on the Campaign Editor, click the 'Perks' tab
- Click on the perk you'd like to edit
- Make your changes/edits
- Be sure to click the 'Save Perk' button when you are satisfied with your changes
After making your edits, if you'd like to make the perk visible on the campaign page, simply click the 'Visible. Show on campaign page.' option. Then click the 'Save Perk' button, located in the top-right corner. The Perk will then again be publicly visible on the campaign page, and is able to be claimed by Backers.
To change the estimated delivery date after the perk has been claimed, open the perk you want to edit and enter a new date. Once you change the estimated delivery date, both your original date and the new date will be visible on the campaign page.
After saving your new date, please post an update to your campaign to let your backers know about any delays or changes to your perks.
How to Hide Perks or Remove Perks from Public View
Hidden perks do not show on the campaign page and cannot be claimed by backers.
You can hide perks, even if they have been claimed by a backer. Hidden perks will remain associated with your campaign, be listed on backer's contribution details, and you are still obligated to fulfill them.
To hide a perk, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Indiegogo account and click '[Your Name],' located in the top, right corner
- Select 'My Campaigns' from the drop-down menu
- Locate the campaign you'd like to edit and select 'Edit campaign' from the 'Actions' drop-down
- Once on the Campaign Editor, click the 'Perks' tab
- Locate the Perk you'd like to edit it, and click on it
- Click the radio button: 'Hidden. Do not show on campaign page.' and click the 'Save Perk' button, located in the top-right corner.
In your Perk Table View, you'll easily be able to see which perks are visible on the campaign page, and which are not visible (hidden) by viewing the "Visibility" column. Hidden perks will be listed in gray, and have a "Hidden" designation, while visible perks will be in black, and be listed as "Visible."
Campaign owners may hide perks for many reasons, but we've found some frequent cases:
- Hiding a perk allows you to edit an unclaimed perk
- Hidden perks are a great way to create your perks in advance, and then release them during the course of your campaign. If you have perks you aren't ready to show them on the campaign page yet, leave them hidden until you are ready for backers to access them.
- Hide perks that are currently on your campaign page. For example if you have a perk that is not being claimed frequently or if a perk has sold out, you can hide the perk and free up a space for a new perk.
Perks can only be deleted if they have not been claimed by a backer. Take care with deleting perks, as once a perk has been deleted it is permanently removed from the campaign and cannot be retrieved or reinstated.
If your perk has not been claimed by a backer, you can follow these simple steps to delete the perk:
- Log in to your Indiegogo account and click '[Your Name],' located above the search bar
- Select 'My Campaigns' from the drop-down menu
- Locate the campaign you'd like to edit and select 'Edit Campaign' from the 'Actions' drop-down
- Once on the Campaign Editor, click the 'Perks' tab
- Locate the Perk you’d like to edit it, and click on it
- Click the 'Delete' button, located in the top-right corner
- Confirm your deletion in the pop-up, and your Perk will be deleted
If your perk has been claimed by a backer, you are obligated to fulfill the perk and cannot be deleted. In this case, the perk will remain associated with your campaign page, and with the backer's contribution. If you do not want that perk to be listed on the campaign page, you do have the option of hiding the perk
Check out these other great perk resources: