You can process a refund for your contribution to a campaign as long as it is deemed eligible under our Refund Policy.
To begin the refund process, the email address on your Indiegogo account must be verified. If you haven't verified your email address, please do so first before beginning the refund process.
How to Refund Your Contribution:
Contributions that are eligible for a refund, via Indiegogo's Refund Policy, can be refunded following these steps:
1. Log into your Indiegogo account. Please ensure you are on (our website), and not (our Help Center).
2. Find the confirmation email that was sent to you when you first made the contribution on Indiegogo.
3. Click on the View Contribution Details link at the bottom of this email.
Note: If you no longer have your confirmation email, you can log into your account on and choose My Contributions from the menu at the top right. That will take you to a list of your contributions and you will be able to choose the contribution to view details.
4. If the contribution is eligible for a refund per our refund policy, you will see a "REFUND THIS CONTRIBUTION" button. Click that button to initiate the refund request.
5. Confirm that you would like a refund. After confirming, you will receive a status message letting you know whether or not the refund was successful.
Note: Once you've issued the refund, it can typically take up to 5 business days until the refund is reflected on your account statement, depending on the policy of your bank or financial institution.
If the "REFUND THIS CONTRIBUTION" button doesn't appear on your contribution details page, please make sure you are logged in. If not, please do so.
Logged in, but No "Refund Contribution" Option:
If you are logged in and the 'REFUND THIS CONTRIBUTION" button is not listed on your Contribution Details page, this means the contribution may not be eligible for a refund on Indiegogo.
In this case, there will be a link to Contact the campaign owner, so that you can request a refund directly.
Note that in all cases where a contribution is not eligible for a refund on Indiegogo, the backer will need to request a refund from the owner of the campaign. Indiegogo is not able to mediate communication from a backer to a campaigner.