We’re excited to announce a new cart experience for backers on Indiegogo!
How does the cart work?
This new feature will allow backers to use a simple picker to add or subtract multiples of a perk from their order and check out in a single transaction.
After selecting a perk to back on the campaign page, backers will see a cart review page where they can adjust the quantity of the perks in their cart and choose add ons for their order.
Quantity can be adjusted for both perks and add ons. And different options can be selected for each.
For example:
- A backer selects a perk with 3 available options (black, white, blue)
- The backer selects the black option
- The backer is taken to the cart page where they click the + button twice to add two more of the perk to their order
- The backer configures the 2 perks they added, one white, one blue
- The backer checks out with 3 perks
Can a backer check out with multiple perks?
Only one type of perk from the campaign page may be added to an order at a time. If the backer would like to back multiple perks (and those perks are not configured as add ons), they will need to go through the checkout process again.
Checkout can only be completed with a perk from the campaign page. In other words, a backer cannot checkout with a cart that only contains add ons. If a backer removes the perk from the cart, the cart will be emptied (with a warning explaining what will happen).
What do campaigners need to change to take advantage of the cart?
There is nothing campaigners need to change about how they set up their campaigns in order to take advantage of the cart.
All reports are automatically updated to reflect the correct number of items in each order.
Can the cart be used to combine orders from multiple campaigns?
The cart only applies to a single campaign (backers cannot add perks from 2 different campaigns to the same cart and check out).