What are Open Comments?
Open Comments is a feature that allows you to build connections with even more backers and potential backers. When you enable Open Comments, all logged-in Indiegogo users can post a comment on your campaign page (in addition to your backers). This allows you to engage with potential new backers who previously couldn’t reach out to you.
How it works:
Open Comments will soon be rolled out as the default campaign setting on all Indiegogo campaign pages. Simply go to your campaign dashboard at any time during your campaign, and choose who’s allowed to comment on your campaign page. You can choose the setting you prefer for your campaign - to allow comments from either all logged-in Indiegogo users or only backers of your campaign.
How do I manage Open Comments?
You can switch between settings as often as you like. In accordance with our Community Guidelines, you have the option to mark any applicable comment as spam in the Comments Dashboard.