Note: This does not cover verifying a domain or sharing the pixel with IGG, please refer to other guides to complete those steps.
- To create a pixel from your ad account, please go to your left-hand side of the Event Manager and look for the green + icon to add in a new data source.
- Select “web” as the new way of delivering data
- Name your pixel the same as your campaign title. We recommend doing that so we are able to locate your pixel when you share access with the IGG Business Manager.
- Once the pixel (dataset) is created, click “Set Up Conversions API “ to set up CAPI.
- Select “Set Up Manually”
- Select the events you would like, in the example here, we are setting up events for “view content”, “ Add to cart” and “purchase”
- For each one of the events, please select the following parameters:
- Event Source URL
- Client IP Address-Do Not Hash
- Client User Agent- Do Not Hash
- Click ID (fbc) Cookie - Do Not Hash
- Browser ID (fbp) Cookie- Do Not Hash
- Event ID (for Purchase event only)
- The examples here set up the five parameters for all “add to cart”, “purchase” and “view content” events.
- Finish setup
- To find your pixel ID from the pixel you just created.
- Go to data sources on the left-hand side of your Facebook business manager.
- Look for the pixel you are using for the CAPI solution. Pixel ID is listed below your pixel name.
- Go to data sources on the left-hand side of your Facebook business manager.