Supporting an Indiegogo campaign is different from making a traditional purchase.
When you contribute to a campaign, you're backing an idea, project, or cause you believe in. Crowdfunding is all about joining forces to help bring ideas to life—it’s incredibly rewarding to watch a project grow from the concept phase through development, and, if all goes well, celebrate its success.
It’s important to understand that contributing is not the same as buying a finished product.
As with any early-stage project, there are risks involved. Campaigns may encounter changes, delays, or unforeseen challenges, and there’s a possibility that a project may not come to fruition. That’s why we encourage you to make your own judgment about a campaign’s potential before making your contribution.
Here’s a helpful list to guide you in evaluating a campaign before deciding to contribute:
The More Information, The Better.
For a campaign to succeed, its team needs a well-crafted pitch that clearly outlines how the funds will be used to advance the project. Transparency about the story, goals, and current project status is key—campaigns that lack this openness often struggle to attract contributors.
Before making a contribution, take a closer look at the campaign’s story. Consider asking yourself these questions:
Who Are The People Behind The Campaign?
Take some time to get to know the team behind the campaign by reviewing their videos, images, and story. Understanding who they are and what drives them can give you valuable insight into their passion, experience, and commitment to the project. A strong campaign often highlights the people behind it, showcasing their authenticity and dedication.
As you evaluate the team, consider these questions:
- Who are they?
- Why are they raising money?
- What is their background and experience?
- Why are they passionate?
- Are photos of the team members included?
- Does the campaigner appear in the campaign’s video?
- Are external links included (websites, news/media coverage, etc.)?
If their background and motivation for the project are not clear in the pitch, you can always do a web search to learn more about their professional experience and how it may relate to the project.
What Is The Campaign Raising Money For?
The campaign’s pitch should be clear, transparent, and reflect the team’s passion and hard work.
- Is the pitch transparent and personal?
- How about the perk info? Any images of the perks? Descriptions?
- Does the pitch text provide any perk fulfillment information?
- When would you get your perk?
Has The Campaign Already Raised Funds?
Successful projects usually secure a strong funding base from close family and friends who know the campaign owners personally.
Has The Campaigner Added Any Content To Their Updates Tabs?
The “Updates” tab is used by campaign owners to keep their contributors informed on the progress of their project.
Where Else Can You Learn About The Project?
On desktop, hover over the campaign owner’s name, or on mobile, tap their name to open a pop-up with links to their websites and social channels. You can also view their full profile on Indiegogo, where you’ll find information about other campaigns they’ve launched or participated in.
Need more information about the Campaign Owner?
- Do a quick online search for the project, company, or campaign owner to learn more about them. This can help you gather additional information and decide whether you feel confident supporting their campaign.
What We Do.
Indiegogo has a comprehensive system in place to protect contributors from potentially fraudulent campaigns. Learn more.
If you see a campaign that you believe to be in violation of our Terms of Use, you can inform us immediately by flagging the campaign. Simply click on the "Let us know" link, located on the bottom of every campaign page.
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