The gogofactor is an algorithm that helps campaigns achieve greater visibility on—and reach audiences who may find them interesting.
The gogofactor is influenced by several aspects, including the scope of a campaign’s social engagement (such as Facebook likes and shares), and global reach.
Here are some resources for you to use when planning how to engage with your backers and visitors to your campaign:
- Grow your audience. Learn more about growing your audience and check out our Pre-launch 101: How to Build Your Audience before You Launch webinar
- Build an email list and plan our your emails thoughtfully for maximum impact. See our Campaign Email Strategy
- Be sure to offer perks that would engage your audience, and help encourage them to contribute. Check out our great webinar on Crowdfunding 101: Perks, Pitch, and Promotion
- Post updates about your campaign, and spread the word through social media. Encourage and incentivize your community to share.
- Visit our Education Center for more tips and best practices on running a successful campaign.